Like any normal Oklahoma City college night, your eyes droop heavily as you star at the textbook in front of you. Your Facebook and Instagram feed is on constant refresh (are you following us, by the way?) and you can’t think of anything clever to post in 280 characters. You’re bordering on burnout and are way overdue to blow off some steam before you midterm finals, but you’re also on the hunt for a deal–it is college after all, and pinching pennies always counts.
Bad Axe Throwing is the oasis amidst the group projects and English papers that you are burdened with. In Oklahoma City, we are even upping the ante; we are now serving beer and wine to our axe-throwing guests! Sure, it may not help with that Russian Literature thesis (it’s cold and you’re miserable, we get it Russians) and it may not up your throwing game, but it’s the sure sign of a good time while you drink and throw stuff at wood!
Oklahoma City College Night!
Axes & Ales = Twice the fun! ?
Posted by Bad Axe Throwing on Friday, September 14, 2018
Now there is an even better reason for the starving scholar in all of us to come to OKC Bad Axe Throwing, because Tuesday Nights are our College Night special. Every Tuesday from 6PM – 11:30 PM, we have local and name brand beers for $2.50 whether you are a walk-in or make a group booking. The title “College Night” may sound boring-we aren’t marketing majors, cut us some slack-but nothing is boring about throwing and drinking with your friends to commiserate about Professor So-and-So’s obvious disregard for the bell curve. Speaking of a group booking, this is a great way for you and five other friends to have a bullseye throw-off to see who is going to buy the next round. With beers at $2.50, everyone’s a winner!
Our highly rated axe coaches will also be available to guide you through the process of axe throwing (without the nine page syllabus) and get you and your friends up to throwing speed in no time. College students, graduates, doctorates, or anyone else is welcome to come, drink, and celebrate the good times at Bad Axe Throwing Oklahoma City! Throw responsibly and drink responsibly-er!