Bad Axe Throwing is ecstatic to share some incredible news. What better way to develop skills, learn technique and be rewarded? Well, by making axe throwing an official sport.
Bad Axe Throwing is happy to announce we have begun the quest of making this backyard past time a fun filled competitive sport.
Axe throwing has spread extremely quickly and everyone is catching on to the excitement of the new sport. With this rapid interest in axe throwing and the search to fuel more momentum, Bad Axe Throwing is excited to go global and has joined The World Axe Throwing League.
2020 Update: The World Axe Throwing League is now broadcast on ESPN multiples times a year including the yearly World Axe Throwing Championships shown above. Benjamin Edgington out of Bad Axe Denver was the 2018 World Axe Throwing Champion.
Bad Axe Throwing has successfully influenced the popularity of axe throwing over the years. We have opened 10 locations across Canada, one in Chicago and intend to open 5-6 more locations in the USA (2020 Update: More than 40 locations in Canada, USA and UK). We have hosted numerous events and helped created memorable experiences. We have our own axe throwing leagues which now see almost 500 throwers per season. The next step of the journey is to join and unify axe throwing leagues across the world with WATL.
The WATL is the first and only of its kind, a true pioneer aimed at unifying the sport of axe throwing.
This journey ahead is sure to be full of awesome athletes strutting their stuff and the devoting fans to boost up the energy. Throwing an axe and winning a cash prize, plus the global axe throwing champion bragging rights – that’s something to talk about.
Join a Bad Axe Throwing League today!